“Ruby on Rails Debugging”
Course Description
Navigating the complexities of debugging a Rails application can be a daunting task, often leading to frustration and lost productivity. In this course, Ruby on Rails Debugging, you’ll learn essential skills to effectively identify and resolve a wide range of issues in your Rails applications. We’ll provide a bare bones application with a myriad of bugs, and we’ll hunt them down one by one, using best practices and Rails tools.
First, you’ll explore the fundamentals of debugging views, understanding how to inspect and trace problems in the way your application renders data and layouts, aided by the Ruby gem Pry. Next, you’ll dive into the world of application logs, uncovering how to use logging tools to gain insights into the operational aspects and database interactions of your Rails application. We’ll then explore the backend of our application in the Rails Console, teaching you how to manipulate and inspect data in real-time.
You’ll also learn about using breakpoints to pause and examine the state of your application at critical moments in its execution, and how to interpret results and test code in real time. By the end of the course, you’ll be equipped with a broad set of debugging techniques and strategies that can be applied to a variety of common and complex issues in Rails. You’ll emerge with the confidence and competence in Rails debugging needed to maintain and improve the performance, reliability, and overall quality of your Rails projects.
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